Fire Rated Glazing, Explained
Fire Rated Glazing is an ideal option for environments that need visibility as well as fire protection.
When we think of a fire door, we probably don’t think of a wide glass door. That’s because the majority of fire doors are built with steel and timber, not to mention the vermiculate core board, responsible for keeping the whole design insulant.
However, sometimes, for aesthetic or functional reasons, a solid material just won’t cut it. That’s where fire-rated glazing comes in. Let’s talk about how it works, its uses, and when to opt for the protective glaze.

How it works
The most important function to examine when discussing fire-rated glazing is its two different specifications; fire-protective, and fire-resistive.
Fire-protective glazing will prevent smoke and fire from spreading, however, it will not combat heat transfer. This means that the glass on the other side will still be dangerous to touch, and objects on the other side of the fire will still heat up – people included. If you’ve ever stood close to a campfire you’ll know just how fierce that heat can be.
On the other hand, fire-resistive glazing will prevent smoke and fire from spreading as well as conducting heat. This means the high temperature will be less easily transferred to the opposing room. This radiant heat is contained via a ‘fire-resistive assembly’, which means the multiple layers of glass are separated with interlayers, designed to resist heat.
Which type of glazing does my building need?
Obviously, fire-resistive glazing is the most optimum glaze to achieve the ultimate, longest-lasting fire protection. That being said, your building may already have enough fire-safety exits or measurements in place for it to pass the legal requirements without the premium glaze. Of course, you can still opt for the fire-resistive glazing if you’d like, but it may not be necessary depending on your building’s situation.
It’s crucial that you double-check with your installer about which type of glaze is required for your building to stay up to the relevant fire building codes, of which there are many. Whatever glaze your building requires must be based on these codes. We’ll be happy to inform you further through an inspection or installation
Have a fire door related enquiry? We’re happy to help. Contact Fire Safe Doors at [email protected] or call (02) 9070 0732, and we’ll work through a plan for your needs.